Who doesn’t love a little hidden treasure?  At our house, any kind of scavenger or treasure hunt is a fun adventure.  Usually, we follow clues from here to there.  But today, we followed a crumb trail of stickers to the hidden treasure.  

Do you get a lot of random stickers in the mail?  You know, the kind that you just can’t throw out, so you throw them in a drawer only to forgot about them.  (Oh, maybe I’m the only one.)  Well, if you have random stickers, why not thrill your kids with a little trail leading to treasure?  Are you with me?
Tiny stickers work!


Bigger stickers work!


I started by banishing the kids to the basement and began leaving a trail of stickers leading to a fun surprise.  (Crawling around the floor, I even found two hard marshmallows left behind from the Ultimate Marshmallow Fight – oops!)  When it was set, the kids carefully followed the trail all around the house.  They went to the foyer, then upstairs and downstairs, through the dining room, family room and finally into the kitchen leading to treasure hidden behind our (new!) curtains.


The kids loved it!  Before I opened up the PlayFoam treasure, we played a little “pick up the stickers” game.  To which I should have told Sweet Boy to pile up the stickers in his hand and throw them in the garbage.  Instead, I discovered stickers on the walls and banister.  (Note to self:  Give specific instructions next time!)


Once the stickers were appropriately in the garbage, we opened the treasure.  And I have to say, this PlayFoam stuff is fun!  I found myself playing too.  Squeezing, forming animals, flattening, mixing . . . and it never stops being sticky.  Pretty cool!


Hidden treasure, family adventures (however small) . . . great memories!  And by the way, Amazonis currently selling this 8 pack for $8.99.  What a great deal!

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